Keep your mind open through constant self-questioning which creates a desire to know how things actually are and how things actually work. Unless some amount of enthusiasm, passion and never say die attitude and approach to life is present, life cannot proceed in a smooth way. Life is an Always-be-happy kinda thing. There are as many ways to be happy as there are a number of days you get to live your life and spend your time on this planet. This is not an exaggeration or an overstatement. It is possible and well within the reach of each of us. All you need is a spirit of a traveler, an explorer, an adventurer so as to never let your dreams and passions die on you. Somewhere along the way some issue, some problems, external politics, negativity takeovers and it still does, on and off to kill and pose a threat to yours and my awesomeness. But these things are not permanent, they are just temporary defeats or setbacks that come from nowhere and we have to keep reverting to our awesomeness. Awesomeness is the quality that inspires awe in people. Awe is a mixture of fear, respect, and sometimes admiration. It is not simply enough to be cool. You must make an impression. Every truly awesome person should have their own jingle, ringtone, or theme song that uniquely identifies them. What's the point of having an inspiring song if nobody hears it. You need to enhance your awesomeness with technology.
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