As soon as you learn a skill, improve your own knowledge by teaching others. When they are doing awesome things, tell people how awesome they are, and do little things to boost them up. With the new tools, cameras, and the internet, you can document your awesomeness and that of others to share. Multi-level awesomeness creation! Success ripples out from you into others. When you die, many will know that you made the world better and continue your goodness through many generations. I believe that that awesomeness must ensue and exchange of love and positive energies, loving vibes and ideas just only for the sake of it and not for any motives or agendas. It gives us a pure experience and a glimpse on how beautiful life can be when we are not stuck in our ego box and operate from a liberated mindset. Freedom is everywhere and in everyone.Knowledge is infinite as truth is multifaceted. The more you know, the more there is to know. So holding on to a particular idealogy, particular viewpoint or holding grudge against someone or something only affects you, and constantly disturbs your peace of mind, directly and that of others, indirectly.
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