Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 9, 2018

I’m a good Momma I just cuss a lot shirt

At his mom funeral bout. 2 months ago I walked in early. I’m a good Momma I just cuss a lot shirt and talked and laughed he was in good spirits he told me I understand death is a part of life and it’s nothing I can do about it writing this got me shaking I admired him, his values and principles and his life you could write a movie about it. I watched him change. I opened my eyes just now to about 17 taxes telling me he was gone. I can’t cry right now cuz it’s a lot but later I’m sure it’s going down. My boy, you was one of the most real. Anyway, I became your godmother! I tried to do the best job I could.
I'm a good Momma I just cuss a lot Guys Shirt

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