Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 8, 2018

Blessed are the curious for they have adventures America’s shirt

Recent letter writer Anonymous Milwaukeean has written in to Blessed are the curious for the have adventures America’s national parks shirt. More than could fit in the column. Here’s his whole letter. I don’t think this is fit for public consumption. Some of the things you say in your reply leave unanswered questions of a personal nature inappropriate forthe time and slant of your column. I see your curiosity. Unsheathing the blunt edge, I wonder if some of your mildly flattering statements are genuine or if they pander to a subconscious inner conviction that go to the heart of the point I was trying to make. I would like to believe the hinted at concern is authentic, but with people sometimes you never know. Seeming concern can mask inherent avarice.
Blessed are the curious for they have adventures America's Guys Shirt

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