Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 8, 2018

Pikachu sorry can’t I have to walk my unicorn shirt

I got in. I can cry at that time already seriously. Pikachu sorry can’t I have to walk my unicorn shirt and lined up to pay. I was sorting my stuffs, didn’t realize the girl in front of me was paying so Donghae had no one to talk to anymore and called me Hey! here. So I went to him and he said hello and smiled goofily while I was like stopped breathing? He offered his hand first to shake so while we’re shaking hands he asked where I’m from? I was holding the gift I was supposed to give Donghae and kind of just wanted to pass it to him and Hyukmom saw me blanking there and told me to line up for the counter again if I wanted to pass it to him and I was like okay.
Pikachu sorry can't I have to walk my unicorn Guys Shirt

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Classic T-shirt