Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 8, 2018

I asked God for a best friend he sent me my granddaughter shirt

Aww, this picture was sent to me from a good friend! I asked God for a best friend he sent me my granddaughter I asked God for a best partner in crime he sent me my grandson shirt became more than a work colleague, she became a good friend and one of the biggest supporters of my writing career. Along with her amazing husband Paul, who just happens to be my most trusted and favourite proofreader ever. Together we shared a mutual love of books, reading, New York, horror films and ghost stories which basically is my life in a nutshell. When my debut book The Ghost House was released in paperback Gail bought numerous copies and gifted them to her friends.
I asked God for a best friend he sent me my granddaughter Guys Shirt

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