Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 8, 2018

Who needs refs when you have basketball moms shirt

Happy Mother’s Day to all our Evolution Basketball moms. Who needs refs when you have basketball moms shirt to legendary ball’in beauties! Have a blessed day love you all very much! So very blessed to share this basketball journey with each & every one of you beautiful Mothers! Happy Mother’s Day To you all! What happened after a man was fouled in a basketball game? He called 911 on this black player. Omg what’s next? Calling the cops on someone taking the last bag of chips at the store? This is just ridiculous! Wait til that last bag of chips gets snatched right as you reach for it. On the other hand, if it’s Cheetos, keep them.
Who needs refs when you have basketball moms Guys Shirt

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