Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 8, 2018

Flamingo don’t give a flock shirt

Our time is coming to an end, we are already thinking of a Flamingo but we will Flamingo don’t give a flock shirt. Lucky for us, he was into the idea, and he ended up being a Flamingo. His wit was intensely dry in the way that only British people can pull off, and his ear was sensitive enough to notice a slightly off-pitched bass note or single flubbed hi-hat in a Flamingo fill and calmly request we do it again. This is the first time we had a producer who also acted as a coach, and while it was a new concept to us (isn’t punk just about doing everything as quick and crappy as possible, we thought), it worked really well.
Flamingo don't give a flock Guys Shirt

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