Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 8, 2018

Official She’s a good girl loves her mama shirt

The river is excited about school! Not so excited about the She’s a good girl loves her mama loves Jesus and America too shirt. She usually hates everything I make her wear, but she was excited about this outfit. Lots of people asking about Betty-she loves her mama. She’s still losing her fur and lays by the front door hoping he’ll come home. She’s still a bit forlorn but none of us are ready to consider another dog yet. She just gets double the fusses and sometimes, if she can be arsed, she’ll try and nip you. The old Bitchtits is still in there somewhere! It’s just gonna take time for her to adjust as well as the rest of you sending her hugs.
Official She's a good girl loves her mama Guys Shirt

Buy this shirt: Official She’s a good girl loves her mama shirt

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